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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:37    点击次数:129
宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)The sales office of Yongchaofu, Pudong, Shanghai, Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] A comprehensive introduction to the real estate project. This phone number provides the developer with an online sales phone number and a comprehensive introduction to the real estate project (including real estate introduction, housing prices, prices, real estate Address, floor plan, transportation plan, registered price, project facilities, property details, sales office phone number, sales office address, latest news, latest details, surrounding facilities, latest progress, etc. (Please consult for details)宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】总价800万级,入住超百万方综合体临江大平层!上海长滩样板间看房视频发布,少量房源抓紧机会!Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The total price is 8 million, and you can live on the large flat floor of the riverside complex with over one million square meters!Shanghai Changtan model room viewing video released, there are only a few houses available, seize the opportunity!从百年外滩到陆家嘴,再到前滩,上海这座国际大都市核心的发展,经历了从1.0到3.0版的跳跃和更迭。宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】但不管怎么变,上海城市的中心从未离开过黄浦江这条蜿蜒的母亲河。这里孕育了上海的繁华,记录了城市的历史,代表着上海更强的开发力度。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] But no matter how it changes, the center of Shanghai city has never left the winding mother river of Huangpu River.This is where Shanghai’s prosperity has been nurtured, the city’s history has been recorded, and it represents Shanghai’s stronger development efforts.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】黄浦江沿岸区域用“寸土寸金”来形容一点也不为过,一线滨江豪宅作为上海这座城市的恒贵资产,天然具有不可复制性,向来被广泛讨论。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] It is no exaggeration to describe the area along the Huangpu River as "every inch of land is precious". As a valuable asset of the city of Shanghai, first-line riverside luxury houses naturally have Non-replicability has always been widely discussed.不过,“一江一河”发展“十四五”规划发布,宣告滨江3.0时代到来,上海的江景房不再是高净值人群独享的资源!图片来源:《黄浦江两岸地区发展“十三五”规划》《黄浦江两岸地区发展“十二五”规划》《 黄浦江两岸地区公共空间建设三年行动计划( 2018年-2020年)》宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】从滨江1.0的陆家嘴到2.0前滩,一直都是生态商务区的模式。滨江3.0更多的是生态、休闲等功能,其延伸空间非常值得期待!Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] From Lujiazui in Binjiang 1.0 to Qiantan 2.0, it has always been an ecological business district model.Binjiang 3.0 is more about ecological, leisure and other functions, and its extended space is worth looking forward to!宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】宝山滨江将是3.0时代的佼佼者,这里拥有约6.8公里景观岸线,长江、黄浦江、蕰藻浜三江交汇,赋予了这里独一无二的风景。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Baoshan Binjiang will be a leader in the 3.0 era. It has about 6.8 kilometers of landscaped coastline. The intersection of the Yangtze River, Huangpu River, and Hazaobang has given this place a unique Unique scenery.同时,宝山滨江给予了购房者们一个超值总价就能享受到滨江资源的机会。区位示意图,仅供参考宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】找到了一个滨江大平层项目,超百万方滨江大城:上海长滩,既能很好匹配大家的改善需求,又能让普通购房者圆梦滨江豪宅!Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] We have found a riverside flat-floor project with over one million square meters in the riverside city: Shanghai Changtan, which can not only meet everyone's improvement needs, but also allow ordinary house purchasers The dream of a riverside mansion comes true!相较于市中心滨江地段动辄12万+的价格,上海长滩仅约5.75万的价格,真的太香了!总价800万级,即可入手建面约155㎡滨江大宅,不容错过!区位示意图,数据来源网上房地产宝山 淞宝板块超百万方滨江大城上海长滩在售少量建面约155-236㎡装修3-4房均价约5.75万/㎡另建面约66-236㎡2-4房新品,即将入市宝山滨江+吴淞城市副中心,北上海滨江大城,非常值得期待!宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】上海长滩,坐落在上海宝山淞宝重点规划区域,同时享受着宝山T型滨江发展轴与吴淞创新城智慧型CBD的双重红利,未来可期。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Shanghai Changtan is located in the key planning area of Songbao, Baoshan, Shanghai, and enjoys the double dividends of Baoshan’s T-shaped riverside development axis and Wusong Innovation City’s smart CBD. The future is promising.区位示意图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】“黄浦江两岸贯通2.0”重点在于边缘板块进一步延伸,此次延伸不是从中心地区连续地向外延伸,而是找出重点地区进行两岸贯通。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The focus of "Connecting Both Sides of the Huangpu River 2.0" is to further extend the edge plates. This extension is not to extend continuously outward from the central area, but to identify key areas. Carry out cross-strait connectivity.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】宝山滨江区块在上海市“十四五”规划中提出的建设“航运中心”战略之下的延伸,选择黄浦江入海口片区优先进行岸线贯通,建设世界一流邮轮母港和邮轮旅游目的地。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The Baoshan Riverside area is an extension of the strategy of building a "shipping center" proposed in Shanghai's "14th Five-Year Plan", and the Huangpu River estuary area was chosen. Priority will be given to shoreline connectivity to build a world-class cruise home port and cruise tourism destination.图片来源:《上海市国土空间近期规划(2021-2025年)》经过多年建设,宝山滨江已旧貌换新颜,吴淞口国际邮轮旅游度假区已初具规模。沿着江边步道分布着邮轮港、湿地公园、海上世界、新时代文明实践中心、观光塔、音乐厅……上海长滩实景图另外,宝山吴淞作为九大城市副中心之一,能级比肩花木、五角场,将承载主城区北部重要功能。这里,是上海版的“金丝雀码头”!吴淞创新城规划图(来源:上海宝山微信公众号)宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】所以,上海长滩不仅仅是拥有臻稀大平层的项目,更是一个全能,且点满“差异化技能”的楼盘,这样的“多边形战士”在未来激烈的市场中才会更具竞争力。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Therefore, Shanghai Changtan is not only a project with rare and large flat floors, but also an all-round building full of "differentiated skills", like this "Polygon Warrior" will be more competitive in the fierce market in the future.在售少量约155-236㎡3-4房,3.15米层高+高标准装修+临江大横厅!在产品户型上,上海长滩四期在售少量建面约155-236㎡装修3-4房。首先,项目层高达到了约3.15米,这是别墅产品才有的层高尺度,即便装了地暖和中央空调,也丝毫不会觉得压抑。样板间实景图其次,不管3房还是4房,都设置临江大面宽横厅,加上双面采光大落地窗,可以享受一线江景带来的视觉震撼。样板间实景图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】再次,四期产品全部装修交付,甄选大金中央空调、博世室内水暖系统、西门子全屋开关系统、西门子开关面板、科勒卫生间五金,方太厨电等知名装修品牌。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Once again, all the four-phase products were delivered for decoration, and Daikin central air conditioners, Bosch indoor plumbing systems, Siemens whole-house switch systems, Siemens switch panels, and Kohler bathroom hardware were selected. , FOTILE kitchen appliances and other well-known decoration brands.入住省心省力,将优质细节融入日常生活。样板间实景图最后,项目几个主力户型都做得可圈可点。建面约155-236㎡仅是做了3房、4房,大平层尺度感和空间感让居住舒适度无限拔高,将生活的奢度打开。做到餐客厅一体化,社交空间阔绰,即使二胎共同玩耍也绰绰有余,其中餐厅部分可摆放六人餐桌。超大厨房连接操作阳台;客厅的南面设置阳光书房,亦可作为灵活空间,打造为茶室、练琴房、电玩室等。主卧皆是豪华套房,带衣帽间、南向采光的卫浴间以及阳台,让主人的生活更具仪式感,更秩序井然。部分户型图如下:部分样板间视频如下:超百万方滨江大城基本实景呈现,左手繁华,右手静谧,即刻享受!上海的大城开发,自带高规格商业以及珍稀的城市绿肺,如中海臻如府,浦开云璟、上港星江湾等,往往更受欢迎。未来,购房者们一出门就能享受到未来潮流生活。上海长滩同样如此,一个总体量约146万㎡的生态滨江超级综合体,集生态绿化、现代商务、休闲、居住等为一体。项目效果图①家门口就有约18万方商业!宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】上海长滩四期和五期之间就是约18万方环形“江豚形状”大型商业中心,下楼就可以享受各类时尚潮流的消费场景,全维的生活需求举步满足。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Between Phase 4 and Phase 5 of Shanghai Changtan is a large annular "finless porpoise-shaped" commercial center of about 180,000 square meters. You can enjoy all kinds of fashion trends just downstairs. Consumption scenarios, all-dimensional life needs are met step by step.这座商业通过“江豚相逐”造型的天幕环街串联起来,巨型球体影院则成为这条“项链”上“夜明珠”。项目效果图②180米地标,北上海新滨江天际线!上海长滩还结合公共服务设施,规划建设了商务区,拥有高度约180米的观景塔、星级酒店、甲级办公楼等。宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】屹立于宝山滨江的长滩观光塔,是一个直径25.7米、高约180米的圆筒状建筑,集生态绿化、休闲为一体的滨江新空间,重新定义着北上海滨江天际线!Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The Changtan Observation Tower stands on the Baoshan Riverside. It is a cylindrical building with a diameter of 25.7 meters and a height of about 180 meters. It integrates ecological greening and leisure. The new Binjiang space redefines the Binjiang skyline in Beijing and Shanghai!项目实景图③双重文艺地标,北上海的文化新高度!项目两侧有两大文化地标建筑:钻石造型的长滩音乐厅,可容纳千人同时观演,可以满足古典、现代等不同类型的音乐会,将成为北上海的文化新高度。球幕影院,约30米高共三层,可同时容纳约380人观影。项目实景图以后,你的小孩能在优质、高浓度的文化艺术配套熏陶下成长。④两大主题公园+滨江景观步道!宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】在上海长滩整体规划的约77.62万方土地中绿化用地高达约18公顷,目前约3.3万方瀑布公园和约4.1万方坡地公园已实景呈现。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] Among the approximately 776,200 square meters of land planned in Shanghai Changtan, the green land covers approximately 18 hectares. Currently, approximately 33,000 square meters of waterfall park and approximately 41,000 square meters of slope park have been developed. Real scene presentation.瀑布公园以瀑布景观为特色,其中有高度约10.5米,弧长约36米,上海超大型人工瀑布,尤为壮观。项目北侧一线沿江,约1.75公里滨江景观步道是业主每天散步赏景的好去处。项目实景图⑤含泳池高端会所!另外,上海长滩还有会所,涵纳泳池、健身房等丰富功能空间。项目实景图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】总而言之,项目业态很丰富,不管是从天际线、体量,还是商办的规格看,上海长滩都将是北上海封面级的综合体。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] All in all, the project formats are very rich. Whether it is in terms of skyline, volume, or commercial specifications, Shanghai Changtan will be the cover of North Shanghai. Complex.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】项目在售的四期是整盘位置非常好的一个组团,东侧就是坡地公园,西侧就是约18万方集中商业,左手繁华,右手静谧,真正做到大隐隐于市。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The fourth phase of the project for sale is a group with a very good location. There is a slope park to the east and a concentrated commercial area of about 180,000 square meters to the west. On the left Prosperous, quiet on the right, truly hidden from the city.居住于此,是一种快生活到慢生活的切换,是一种融合居住、休闲、商务于一体的生活状态,非常适合改善人群。这是上海长滩的价值护城河,也是同级项目很难做到的!项目实景图值得一提,从2015年正式落定百万方滨江大城的规划开工修建,已经过8年时间。上海长滩从昔日老码头已成今日新港湾,观景塔、音乐厅、办公楼、公园、滨江景观步道基本都高质量呈现了。这背后是上港集团作为国企的超强兑现力以及社会责任感的体现,现在买上海长滩四期,配套基本无需要等待。项目实景图国企匠筑+高质量兑现,四期准现房少量在售,不容错过!再说到项目产品本身。宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】这两年“保交楼”成为全国楼市扎心的三个字眼,多少家庭积攒一辈子心血却没住上买的那套房子。上海整体交房情况较好,也或多或少也有类似情况。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] In the past two years, "Guaranteed Delivery" has become the three most worrying words in the national real estate market. How many families have spent a lifetime of hard work but have not been able to live in the house they bought.The overall housing delivery situation in Shanghai is relatively good, and there are more or less similar situations.项目由国企上港集团开发,一二三期已经高质量兑现,业主已入住。目前四期也已是准现房状态,不存在货不对板,品质感眼见为实;也能缩短入住周期,经济上更划算。项目实景图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】项目四期建筑立面采用“波浪”造型,尊崇的铝板装饰工艺、帆船造型的设计理念,打造具有现代美感的城市天际线作品。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The building facade of the fourth phase of the project adopts a "wave" shape, adhering to the advanced aluminum plate decoration technology and the design concept of sailboat shape to create a city skyline work with modern beauty. .项目实景图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】项目四期借势坡地公园,滨江绿地高差,创造三层阶梯式的大面积集中绿化,视觉上更加立体有层次,这样的大手笔全市罕见。Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] The fourth phase of the project takes advantage of the slope park and the height difference of the riverside green space to create a three-story stepped large-area concentrated greening, which is visually more three-dimensional and layered. Large sums of money are rare in the city.项目效果图独特的坡地规划,也创造了“庭院式入户”的归家体验。车道沿缓坡蜿蜒向上,沿途绿化景观交叠立体铺展,人行道路也以缓坡形式出现在建筑群与绿化之间,连接各个住户单元。项目效果图宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】总的来说,上海长滩是北上海超百万方滨江大城,一线滨江景观+全维度配套资源,室内坐拥3.15米层高+高标准装修+临江大面宽横厅,是宝山滨江实至名归的封面级作品!Baoshan Shanghai Changtan Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] In general, Shanghai Changtan is a large riverside city with over one million square meters in North Shanghai, with first-line riverside landscape + full-dimensional supporting resources, and an indoor floor height of 3.15 meters. + High standard decoration + Large and wide hall near the river, it is a well-deserved cover-level work of Baoshan Binjiang!宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)The sales office of Yongchaofu, Pudong, Shanghai, Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] A comprehensive introduction to the real estate project. This phone number provides the developer with an online sales phone number and a comprehensive introduction to the real estate project (including real estate introduction, housing prices, prices, real estate Address, floor plan, transportation plan, registered price, project facilities, property details, sales office phone number, sales office address, latest news, latest details, surrounding facilities, latest progress, etc. (Please consult for details)上海2024年2月最新限购政策汇总1、单身人士购房资格:单身人士上海买房条件:上海户籍单身可以买一套。非上海户籍,在上海市连续缴纳社会保险或个人所得税已满5年及以上的,可在外环以外区域(崇明区除外)限购1套住房。本人在 2011.1.30 限购政策之前和父母共有的住房,可以有两套不算在自己名下。2、已婚人士上海购房资格:已婚人士上海买房条件:*有一方为上海户籍的,即认定为上海户籍家庭;夫妻双方均非上海户籍的,为非上海户籍家庭。上海户籍家庭可以购买两套。非上海户籍家庭,一方社保或者个税满5年,可购买一套。满5年社保或满5年个税是指签合同当月,往前推算63个月社保或个税正常缴纳满60个月。双方2011.1.30限购政策之前和父母的共有住房,可以有两套不计入自己名下。3、夫妻离异3年内限购情况:4、临港差异化住房限购政策:*按照区域发展和产业导向,经新片区管委会认定,同时符合以下单位条件(1、2)、个人条件(3、4、5、6、7)之一以及工作年限条件的非本市户籍人才,按规定在沪缴纳职工社会保险或个人所得税满1年及以上、且在本市无住房的,在新片区限购1套住房,同时购房资格由居民家庭调整为个人。5、特殊客群(部队人员/集体户口/外籍或港澳台同胞/在读博士、博士后/企业)上海购房资格:宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】(来电尊享优惠活动)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.宝山上海长滩售楼处电话:400-8828-814【营销中心】楼盘项目全面介绍,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘简介,房价,价格,楼盘地址,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,售楼处地址,最新消息,最新详情,周边配套,最新进展等详情咨询)